08 November 2007

Some photos

Some days, when I swipe onto my floor at work, I get this inspirational message.


I finally found a vending machine that takes coins (right), but it's still pretty technologically advanced.

Moving onto food, it turns out that New York pizza is actually from a southern suburb of The Hague, seeing as this is apparently "the original."   I did not eat here. 

Finally, apparently the Dutch don't mind
 vaguely-AsianImage009.jpg  menu items with
vaguely-demeaning names.   Woki Yaki Woki.  Right. 


Righteous [Yid]dish said...

Damn dutch! I prefer obviously demeaning...obviously.

PS Good to see you are back on the old "blogging wagon"

Anonymous said...

I had some Woki Yaki Woki rast night. It was undelwherming.